Alan Briant

BRIANT A.S. (ALAN) 88 YEARS, 5/09/2020

Peter Briant, son of our Honorary member Alan Briant emailed “I wish to advise with deep sorrow that my father Alan Briant passed away on 5th September 2020 after a short illness. He unfortunately succumbed to the COVID 19 virus in the aged care facility he had only recently moved into with his wife of 62 years, Ruth. I believe he was a member of the ANZ Retired Officers Club which I recall he was looking forward to enjoying the celebrations of the ANZ/ES&A merger 50th Anniversary.

Alan had worked with ES&A/ANZ in Tasmania, since the age of 16, starting as a Clerk then onto Bank Teller. He worked his way around Tasmania working in Wynyard, Oatlands, New Norfolk, Moonah and then finally in Hobart where he became an Auditor. I think he retired in 1992.  My parents moved to Victoria in 2002, residing in Bairnsdale where they enjoyed many years there till “old age” brought them to Melbourne, to be closer to family. Alan fondly told us how he enjoyed receiving the monthly ANZROC (Vic) newsletters and wished he was able to attend one of your lunches when he moved to Melbourne. Please pass this email onto all the members of ANZROC.”

Our condolences were extended to son Peter and wife Ruth and family on the passing of our Honorary member Alan Briant.
